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[SCAM] HYIP – Billionaire Finance Review: Earn 1.4% per day for 22 working days


What is Billionaire Finance?

Billionaire Finance is a UK-registered investment fund (No. 12120484) that distributes cash flows into areas such as the crypto currency trading, hedge funds purchasing, investments to securities, binary options and investments to the futures contracts.

billionnaire finace hyip 1024x455 - [SCAM] HYIP - Billionaire Finance Review: Earn 1.4% per day for 22 working days

Information of Billionaire Finance.

– Started: July 31, 2019.

– Accept payment: Perfect Money, Payeer, Ethereum, Bitcoin & Bitcoin.

– Minimum investment: 100 USD.

– Minimum withdrawal: 1 USD with Perfect Money, Payeer & 5 USD with Crypto.

– Profits are accrued at 12:00 London time every working day.

– Manual payment.

– Referral commission: 7% – 3% – 2% – 2% – 1% – 1% – 1% – 1%.

– RCB: 3.5% deposit (Upline: hc4m_billionaire). Click the “Request RCB” button at the end of the article to fill in the information.

– Our investment recommendations:

→ Standard package: Deposit from 100 to 2,499 USD. Profit 1.4% daily for 22 working days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 30.8%.

– Our invesment: 200$.

– Register account:


Investment plans of Billionaire Finance.

Standard package: Deposit from 100 to 2,499 USD. Profit 1.4% daily for 22 working days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 30.8%.

Bronze package: Deposit from 2,500 to 9,999 USD. Profit 1.7% daily for 34 working days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 57.8%.

Silver package: Deposit from 10,000 to 24,999 USD. Profit 2% daily for 48 working days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 96%.

Gold package: Deposit from 25,000 to 49,999 USD. Profit 2.3% daily for 56 working days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 128.8%.

Platinum package: Deposit from 50,000 to 149,999 USD. Profit 2.7% daily for 64 working days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 172.8%.

Platinum+ package: Deposit from 150,000 to 500,000 USD. Profit 3% daily for 78 working days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 234%.

Premium package: Deposit from 500 to 49,999 USD. Profit from 1.8% to 3.4% daily for 45 working days, principal returned to the end of the cycle.

Luxury package: Deposit from 5,000 to 500,000 USD. Profit from 2.2% to 4.2% daily for 65 working days, principal returned to the end of the cycle.

Ruby package: Deposit from 100 to 49,999 USD. Profit 3.4% daily for 160 working days. Profit and principal returned to the end of the cycle. Total earn 544%.

Diamond package: Deposit from 50,000 to 500,000 USD. Profit 4.2% daily for 180 working days. Profit and principal returned to the end of the cycle. Total earn 756%.

billionnaire finace goi dau tu 1024x552 - [SCAM] HYIP - Billionaire Finance Review: Earn 1.4% per day for 22 working days

Our deposit in Billionaire Finance.

proof deposit billionaire finance - [SCAM] HYIP - Billionaire Finance Review: Earn 1.4% per day for 22 working days

September 06, 2019: We have deposited $ 200 into the Billionaire Finance project

Payment proof.

billionnaire finace 0609 - [SCAM] HYIP - Billionaire Finance Review: Earn 1.4% per day for 22 working days

* Social network:

+ Telegram: https://t.me/billionaire_finance

+ Twitter: https://twitter.com/@billionairefin1

+ Instagram: https://instagram.com/billionaire_finance

+ Email: [email protected]

Register account

Request RCB (3.5% deposit)

Risk Disclosure!

HyipInvestors is not a registered broker, analyst, investment advisor or anything of that sort. Everything that we provide on this site is purely for guidance, informational and educational purposes. All information contained herein should be independently verified and confirmed.

We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever caused in reliance upon such information or services. Please be aware of the risks involved with any trading done in any financial market. Do not trade with money that you cannot afford to lose. When in doubt, you should consult a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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