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[SCAM – STOP INVESTING] Evercont: project from experienced admins, profit up to 3.1%/day!

evercont review

Update, June 23, 2021: Stop investing in EVERCONT. Thank you!

Working time from May 29, 2021 to June 23, 2021 (25 days)

Evercont investment platform with a beautiful design, led by an experienced Administrator, has an attractive profit of up to 3.1% per day, minimum investment from $ 10.

The project is being refunded 5% of your deposit and a insurance funds $2,000 by HIO Club.

Today, let us research and discuss this project through the content below.



About Evercont

Evercont is the UK market leader in digital currency trading. A team of specialists makes a decision not only on the basis of their professionalism and experience, but also using unique tools that have no analogues. The created neural networks make it possible to reduce the risk of trading in cryptocurrency due to the ability to process large amounts of data. And every day the amount of profit only increases.

The goal of our organization is to create a company with the best digital currency players around the world. And in order to achieve this goal, investments are needed from individuals and legal entities.

Each of our employees has extensive experience and easily performs ongoing currency analysis and selects the most favorable conditions for investment. The investment fund is designed to minimize risks and provide stable, daily returns for investors with further reinvestment of already collected capital. In other words, investors help us to develop, and we, in turn, provide investors with a good profit.

evercont hyip 1024x565 - [SCAM - STOP INVESTING] Evercont: project from experienced admins, profit up to 3.1%/day!

*Promotion video

*Technical specifications

  • Domain: Jun 18, 2020 – Jun 18, 2025 (5 years) from NameCheap.
  • Hosting: Cloudns.
  •  IP Address: (Belize / Belize City).
  • Script: undefined.
  • DNS Servers: pns101.cloudns.net, pns102.cloudns.net, pns103.cloudns.net, pns104.cloudns.net.
  • SSL: Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA valid from 15 May, 2021 to 16 May, 2022 – Sectigo Limited.

Information of Evercont

– Started: May 29, 2021.

– Payment systems: PerfectMoney, ePaycore, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Tether, Dogecoin, Tron & Dash.

– Minimum deposit: $10.

– Minimum withdrawal: $0.1 with PM, ePaycore & $10 with Crypto.

– Deposits calculate 7 days / week

– Instant withdrawal.

– Referral commission: 3%- 1%- 0.5%.

– Ref back 5% deposit (Upline: hc4mever). Click the “RCB Request” button at the end of the article to fill in the information.

– Our invesment: $800.

– Insurance funds: $2,000 (Click here).

– Register account:


evercont banner 728x90 1 - [SCAM - STOP INVESTING] Evercont: project from experienced admins, profit up to 3.1%/day!

Note: Don't create multiple accounts, because it is possible that the program will scan and lock the account of ALL of your TEAM if a fraud is detected, only join and invest with an account.

Investment plans of Evercont

  • Meteor plan

– Profit accrual: 124% after 15 days

– Investment work period: 15 days

– Limits on the amount of entry: from $ 10 to $ 5000

– Profit payment and deposit refund: at the end of the term.

– Net profit on tariff: 24% (with our bonus 31%)

*Reinvest for Meteor plan

– Profit accrual: 3.4% per day

– Investment work period: 60 days

– Going through the breakeven: on day 30 (with our bonus on the 28th)

– Net profit on tariff: 104% (with our bonus 111%)

Example: After closing the Meteor $ 100 deposit, you can reinvest the body of the $ 100 deposit for 60 days at 3.4% per day. Daily charges – $ 3.4 ($ 1.74 – profit + $ 1.66 – part of the body of the deposit).

  • Planetar plan

– Profit accrual: 1.2% per day

– Investment work period: 30 days

– Limits on the amount of entry: from $ 50 to $ 10,000

– Refund of the deposit: at the end of the term

– Net profit on tariff: 36% (with our bonus 43%)

*Reinvest on Planetar plan

– Profit accrual: 3.7% per day

– Investment work period: 45 days

– Going through the breakeven: on day 28 (with our bonus on the 26th)

– Net profit on tariff: 66.5% (with our 73.5% bonus)

Example: After closing the $ 100 Planetar deposit, you can reinvest the body of the $ 100 deposit for 45 days at 3.7% per day. Daily charges – $ 3.7 ($ 1.48 – profit + $ 2.22 – part of the body of the deposit).

  • Galaxy plan

– Profit accrual: 3.1% per day

– Investment work period: 45 days

– Limits on the amount of entry: from $ 100 to $ 15,000

– Going through the breakeven: on day 33 (with our bonus on the 30th)

– Net profit on tariff: 39.5% (with our bonus 46.5%)

*Reinvest on Galaxy plan

– Profit accrual: 4.5% per day

– Investment work period: 30 days

– Going through the breakeven: on day 23 (with our bonus on the 21st day)

– Net profit on tariff: 35% (with our bonus 42%)

Example: After closing the $ 100 Galaxy deposit, you can reinvest the body of the $ 100 deposit for 30 days at 4.5% per day. Daily charges – $ 4.5 ($ 1.17 – profit + $ 3.33 – part of the body of the deposit).

evercont investment plans 1 1024x651 - [SCAM - STOP INVESTING] Evercont: project from experienced admins, profit up to 3.1%/day!

The project also has BONUS CERTIFICATES . Each participant on the exchange can buy bonus certificates for opening new deposits and receive EVC for this (the internal currency of Evercont) , the sale of which will bring additional income!

Certificate bonuses:

– Increasing the interest with the deposit from 0.1% to 0.5% for every tariff plan.

– The sum to the bonus balance from 10$ to 100$.

– The bonus to the sum of the deposit from1% to 5%.

– The bonus to the account's balance from 1$ to 10$.

Exchange advantages:

– With the help of the certificates obtained on the exchange you can open the deposit on more beneficial conditions.

– For purchasing bonus certificates you get EVC (inner currency of the Evercont).

– Stable growth of EVC rate.

– Extra profit from selling EVC.

– The opportunity to sell EVC with the discount on the inner p2p-exchange anytime.

evercont cerfiticates 1024x408 - [SCAM - STOP INVESTING] Evercont: project from experienced admins, profit up to 3.1%/day!

How to join Evercont?

I. How to sign up for an account?

Step 1: Click on the link


and select “Registration” 

Step 2: Fill out personal information in the form

+ Username:……

+ Password:……

+ Confirm password:……

+ E-mail:……

+ Security Code:……

+ Click to “CREATE ACCOUNT” to complete.

evercont register account - [SCAM - STOP INVESTING] Evercont: project from experienced admins, profit up to 3.1%/day!

II. How can I add funds my account?

Step 1: Click “Balance” -> “Add funds” on the menu.

Step 2:.

(1) Select payment method: PM; ePaycore; BTC; ETH; LTC; TRX;…

(2) Enter amount ($):….

(3) Click “ADD FUNDS” to go to the payment page.

evercont add funds 1 1024x635 - [SCAM - STOP INVESTING] Evercont: project from experienced admins, profit up to 3.1%/day!

Step 3: Send the correct amount to the required wallet address.

III. How to invest?

Step 1: Click “Deposits” -> “New Deposit” on the menu.

Step 2:

+ Choose a suitable investment plan.

+ Enter amount:….

+ Click “MAKE AN INVESTMENT” to continue.

evercont deposit 1024x698 - [SCAM - STOP INVESTING] Evercont: project from experienced admins, profit up to 3.1%/day!

Step 3: Check the information and click “Confirm” to complete the investment.

Affiliate program

Evercont offers a three-tier affiliate program – 3% -1% -0.5% . Contribution is not required to participate in this affiliate program. The most active investors with an investment of more than $ 500 are offered an increased affiliate program – 7% -2% -1%.

evercont affiliate program 1 - [SCAM - STOP INVESTING] Evercont: project from experienced admins, profit up to 3.1%/day!

Bonus on revenue from the entire network structure

In addition to the partnership program we offer multiple rewards for your network structure turnover. The more commissions you get from the turnover of your affiliate network, the more bonuses you will receive. Open all the partnership statuses and you will get more than 9400$ in rewards.

50% of the bonuses obtained for getting the status are credited to your main account, and the remaining 50% are put to your bonus account.

evercont affiliate program 2 - [SCAM - STOP INVESTING] Evercont: project from experienced admins, profit up to 3.1%/day!

Monthly leadership bonuses

Every month the partners who directly engage new investors into the project will get the leadership bonuses. Only the turnover from the first line is taken into account. At the beginning of every month the statistics will be reset. The payments will be disbursed on the first day of every month. The amount of reward depends on the rank obtained during the previous month.

evercont affiliate program 3 - [SCAM - STOP INVESTING] Evercont: project from experienced admins, profit up to 3.1%/day!

For Rank 1 and Rank 2, 30% of bonuses received are credited to the main account and 70% to the bonus account. For the remaining ranks, 50% is credited to the main account and 50% to the bonus account.

Evercont: our reviews and opinion

Evercont is a new project from an experienced administrator and fully prepared financially for work. This is someone who I think definitely knows how to push the project forward. The project appeared at the end of May and now the advertising campaign is starting, investors are just starting to learn about the site. The site is well prepared, has a unique script, design and content.

HC4M Club recommends investors to choose Planetar or Galaxy plans and use certificates to increase profits. We personally invested $800 in the Galaxy plan. Popular USD and cryptocurrency payment gateways are accepted for investment, profit withdrawal is processed instantly, in instant mode is a plus for the project.

Evercont is classified as a “Gold list” by us with a payout of 5% of your deposit and an insurance fund of $2,000.

The end

We have just completed the introduction to the Evercont project above, through the article, how do you feel about this project?

Do you have any questions regarding Evercont that need us to answer? Please leave your comments and comments below this article so that we can share more useful information together.

Wishing you a good day and successful investment!

evercont payment 1 - [SCAM - STOP INVESTING] Evercont: project from experienced admins, profit up to 3.1%/day!

June 14, 2021; Our deposits is $800

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RCB Request (5%)

Risk Disclosure!

HyipInvestors is a news site about HYIP investment platforms. We are not a registered broker, analyst, investment advisor or anything of that sort. Everything that we provide on this site is purely for guidance, informational and educational purposes. All information contained herein should be independently verified and confirmed.

We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever caused in reliance upon such information or services. Please be aware of the risks involved with any trading done in any financial market. Do not trade with money that you cannot afford to lose. When in doubt, you should consult a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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