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[SCAM] HYIP – Findax Capital Review: Long-term investment platform

findax capital hyip review

Update, November 06, 2019Stop investing in Findax Capital. Thank you!

Findax Capital – Long-term investment platform profit from 16% per month or more, with a unique, beautiful design, using separate script, EV SSL security certificates from GoGetSSL. In particular, the project has an extremely attractive commission mechanism for partners up to 20 levels.

Today, let us explore and evaluate this project, whether this is a project worth investing in or not?

What is Findax Capital?

Findax Capital is a registered Australian trading company (No. 636 044 936). Their main areas of activity are trading in the stock market, foreign exchange & Cryptocurency.

They create conditions for better and more productive cooperation than most firms performing similar services because Findax Capital is a concept of successful business built on proven knowledge and technology.

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Information of Findax Capital.

– Started: October 01, 2019.

– Accept payment: Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin.

– Minimum investment: 50 USD.

– Minimum withdrawal: 1 USD; 0.001 BTC; 0.03 ETH; 0.1 LTC.

– Manual payment.

– Referral commission: 5% – 2% – 1%.

– RCB 2.5% deposit (Upline: queen2k). Click the “Request RCB” button at the end of the article to fill in the information.

– Our investment recommendations:

→ Trade 1 package: Deposit from 50 to 300 USD. Profit 0.8% daily for 20 work days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 16%.

→ Trade 2 package: Deposit from 500 to 10,000 USD. Profit 1% daily for 35 work days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 35%.

→ Pro Trade 1 package: Deposit from 100 to 5,000 USD. Profit 2.5% daily for 80 work days, profit calculated daily. Total earn 200%.

→ Pro Trade 2 package: Deposit from 2,500 to 65,000 USD. Profit 2.7% daily for 90 work days, profit calculated daily. Total earn 243%.

– Our invesment: 200$.

– Register account:


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Investment plans of Findax Capital.

  • Findax Trade plan

Trade 1 package: Deposit from 50 to 300 USD. Profit 0.8% daily for 20 work days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 16%.

Trade 2 package: Deposit from 500 to 10,000 USD. Profit 1% daily for 35 work days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 35%.

Trade 3 package: Deposit from 2,500 to 25,000 USD. Profit 1.3% daily for 60 work days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 78%.

Trade 4 package: Deposit from 15,000 to 100,000 USD. Profit 1.6% daily for 85 work days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 136%.

Trade 5 package: Deposit from 75,000 to 500,000 USD. Profit 2% daily for 100 work days, principal returned to the end of the cycle. Profit 200%.

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  • Findax Pro Trade plan

Pro Trade 1 package: Deposit from 100 to 5,000 USD. Profit 2.5% daily for 80 work days, profit calculated daily. Total earn 200%.

Pro Trade 2 package: Deposit from 2,500 to 65,000 USD. Profit 2.7% daily for 90 work days, profit calculated daily. Total earn 243%.

Pro Trade 3 package: Deposit from 4,500 to 250,000 USD. Profit 3% daily for 100 work days, profit calculated daily. Total earn 300%.

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  • Findax Pro Trade plan

Findax Stocks package: Deposit from 100 to 5,000 USD. Profit 0.5% per working day, daily calculated profits have included the capital and term forever. Principal withdrawal fee -5% deposit.

Findax Index package: Deposit from 1,000 to 50,000 USD. Profit 0.65% per working day, daily calculated profits have included the capital and term forever. Principal withdrawal fee -7% deposit.

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Our deposit in Findax Capital.

proof deposit findax capital - [SCAM] HYIP - Findax Capital Review: Long-term investment platform

October 04, 2019: We have deposited $ 200 into the Findax Capital project

Career & Bonus of Findax Capital.

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Payment proof.

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 Update, October 04,2019: Findax Capital payment

* Social network:

+ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FindaxC

+ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/Findax

+ Telegram (EN): https://t.me/findaxofficial

+ Telegram support: https://t.me/findaxcapital

=> Information on other monitors: ISPHYIPLogs

Register account

Request RCB (2.5% deposit)

Risk Disclosure!

HyipInvestors is not a registered broker, analyst, investment advisor or anything of that sort. Everything that we provide on this site is purely for guidance, informational and educational purposes. All information contained herein should be independently verified and confirmed.

We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever caused in reliance upon such information or services. Please be aware of the risks involved with any trading done in any financial market. Do not trade with money that you cannot afford to lose. When in doubt, you should consult a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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