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Stoqman News: First summer webinar

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We invite you to the first summer webinar from Anton Naumov.

Let's evaluate the results of work over the past month using the statistics of Anton's personal account as an example.

Let's take a closer look at working with BNB (BEP20) on Binance.

Let's assess the commissions on all major blockchain networks.

Stoqman has done a great job creating and updating the mobile app. Let's consider the functionality of the updated version.

For investors who actively use Telegram, Stoqman announces the launch of a Telegram bot, in which the investor can find out and replenish the balance, withdraw funds and contact support.

At the end of the webinar, a competition will be announced, which will run for 14 days. Based on the results of the competition, USDT will be awarded to each active participant. Details on the webinar.

We will be glad to see you at the webinar. Look, participate in the discussion, ask questions.

According to Anton, the three most active participants who asked the most interesting questions will be able to open deposits for $100, $50 and $25.

stoqman news webniar - Stoqman News: First summer webinar

Date: 06/06/2021 at 20:00 (GMT + 3)

Host: Anton Naumov

Webinar language: Russian

Best regards,

Stoqman team

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