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What is HYIP? Experience investing in HYIP

what is hyip

Hello newbie! Today, I will write some introduction about HYIP, this is the first article on my blog, it’s basic knowledge, anyone has joined some HYIP or investment program online will know about HYIP, but I want to leave this article to you – Beginner.

I hope this article will helpful have some basic knowledge about HYIP industry to win and get receive profit, let start and make money online with HYIP.

What is HYIP?

A high-yield investment program, also known as HYIP,  which covers all programs, offline and online, that are used to invest money to receive a higher yield than you would normally get at a bank, from 5% to as much as 250% per month making it the top investment program. HYIPs accept investments that are as small as 10 USD and claims that they can provide high interest rates.

what is hyip 1024x585 - What is HYIP? Experience investing in HYIPWhat is HYIP?

How do HIYPs work?

Starting off with an HYIP online is simple, since all you have to do is register with them and then deposit some money into your HYIP account using the payment processor that they outline. The profits are paid out to the same processor to streamline the process.

All transactions of HYIPs are done over the internet.

HYIPs use E- Currency in their transactions because it offers the most convenient payment system. E- Currency suits best HYIPs because it has a feature that allows easy withdrawal of money making it a good option for completing online transactions. Moreover, E- Currency is accepted all over the globe. Another factor that addresses the need of HYIP investors.

What do HYIPs do to make a profit?

The main sources of incomes in HYIP Programs are:

  • Forex Market.
  • Stock Exchanges.
  • Sports Betting.
  • Export Import Trade.
  • Real Estate.

However, very few HYIP projects use Investor's money to use real business as I listed above. Instead, they use the latter's money to pay the previous person (Ponzi model), using funds to pay for marketing activities to expand the popularity of the project, attracting participants. Therefore, in HYIP investment the time factor (investment sooner or later) is extremely important.

Why invest in HYIP?

  • Attractive profit, at least 5% monthly or more.
  • No big capital needed. If you have 5-10 USD, you can join.
  • Invest and receive profits quickly.

What types of HYIP?

From personal experience, we divided into 4 types:

  • Long-term HYIP: Low profit is about 1% – 3% daily including the capital with a cycle of 40 days or more  or a profit of 0.5% – 2% daily, return the principal at the end of the cycle with a cycle of 20 days or more.
  • Medium-term HYIP: usually offer profit levels of 40-60% per month, operating within 3 – 4 months.
  • Short-term HYIP: This is HYIPs have cycle about 10 days back, with how to pay profits in minutes, hourly, daily or allow early withdrawals with extremely attractive returns of 20% or more per cycle and will often stop operating at 30 days back.
  • Fast HYIP: The short cycle lasts only a few days with extremely large profits, this form has a relatively short life cycle usually about 10 days back. For example: 30% per hour for 4 hours, 120% after 1 day, … For this HYIP type, the blog does not recommend to investors.

What will the deceptive HYIP look like?

  • Sketchy design interface.
  • Use a free or cheap host.
  • Use a free domain name such as: .xyz; .tk; …
  • Use high-yield investment plans with short duration. Example: 40% every hour for 3 hours.
  • Entice by giving big rewards when participating. Example: Get $100 free when registering an account.

How to determine a quality HYIP project?

  • To determine how high-quality and reliable is the investment project “HYIP”, it is necessary to carefully study its following criteria:
  • The quality of the Internet resource. It is advisable to pay attention to absolutely all of its elements: design and content, the availability of detailed reliable contact information, the engine and the security of the site against hacking and DDOS attacks.
  • Options for the transfer of funds. It is best of all if money can be entered into a HYIP project in several common ways (Webmoney, Internet banking, plastic cards), and not just through one payment system.
  • A variety of details of the launch and promotion of the program.
  • The promised and real profitability of the program. Promises of high earnings already at the initial development of the project may well be one of the main signs of fraud.
  • The duration of the period for which to invest.
  • The ratio of the investment plans in the program. For them it is quite easy to calculate the fraudster, as they come up with plans “by eye”, just to quickly attract the maximum of participants.
  • Payment Details, a permanent publication on the project activities.
  • Work technical support. This criterion is easy to verify: it’s enough to ask a question you are interested in several times and estimate the consultant’s response time.
  • Project support. In the process of implementation, the program must constantly evolve, and not just attract and pay funds. If the project is not advertised anywhere, is not promoted and improved, then it will close in the near future.

Experience investing in HYIP – 5 Tips For Successful.

1. Advertising.

This is one of the most important factors. Any HYIP that advertises will get a lot more members and more money flowing in than a HYIP who just has a thread on a couple forums.

Because of this there are also a wider range of people promoting it and telling others bringing in even more people and investments. And as you should know new members and new investments are the cornerstone to a longer lasting HYIP.

Advertising (Blog & Monitor HYIP) is probably the one factor that can make the biggest difference in the success of a HYIP.

2. Reputation.

Before investing in any HYIP it is vitally important to check out the reputation of it and read what other people are saying. By checking the reputation you can protect yourself from joining a HYIP that’s not paying or that has poor customer support or that is inevitably going to fail very fast due to people posting bad experiences.

It’s also possible that someone has a good idea who the HYIP admin is and depending on what they have to say about this admin they can increase the number of people who join or completely halt the increase of new members.

If the HYIP doesn’t have much of a reputation yet because it’s too early, you could wait until you hear more about it or simply join based off of the other 4 major factors.

3. Earnings Gap Between Plans.

I’ve seen plenty of HYIPs that look great right from the start but after more closely reviewing their plans I see that it can really make them far too risky.

Multiple plans are common among HYIPs and they typically involve giving higher earning percentages to the larger investors. This is very common and in fact can be helpful for a HYIP, but watch out to make sure the higher plans don’t pay out too much more than the lowest plan.

This will keep you from getting into a HYIP that gets totally decimated when the couple largest investors decide to take out all their money.

4. Age of the HYIP.

You must look at the age of a HYIP before investing. So many people out there will look to see what program is having the most success and then invest in it only to have it close down within the next couple days.

If the HYIP is too many days old your risk can greatly increase. It is best to try to enter very high paying HYIPs within the first couple days and for the lower paying HYIPs within the first handful of days. I’m avoiding specificity due to the fact that this completely depends on the type of HYIP.

The point is that it is a good idea to get into a HYIP as early as you feel comfortable getting in at. If you’re happy with all the other factors and it looks promising get in then or don’t get in at all.

5. HYIP Monitors.

Basing your judgement off of HYIP monitors alone is a very bad idea but if you combine it with the other factors mentioned here it can help increase your odds of success.

If a HYIP is subscribed to at least a few Monitors then it is a good sign, if it is subscribed to a lot of Monitors or has paid for premium listings on a Monitor then it is a better sign. Conversely, if it is not subscribed to any monitors then you should be a little more wary.

Truthfully this factor doesn’t weigh too heavily on my investment decisions but it can help push me one way or the other when I’m on the fence.

Reputable HYIP sites are paying.

The HYIP sites that are being introduced in the “HYIP List” are all blog-selected and screened projects that are currently making regular payments to participating Investors. Follow the link below to see details.

Synthesis of HYIP quality site: https://hyipinvestors.org/category/hyip/hyip-list/

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3 years ago

is there any project which lasted more than a year?

HYIP Investors
Reply to  truang
3 years ago

is there any project which lasted more than a year?

Reply to  HYIP Investors
1 year ago

Yes. Itp Corporation

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