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AlysDax News: AlysDax Event in Yogyakarta!

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Dear Alysdax community,

The AlysDax Yogyakarta 2020 conference is organized for practical seminars, interactive discussions on the blockchain topic and training lectures for beginner investors.


Modern investments: margin trading as an engine of high-yield projects and increased financial support based on the AlysDax platform.

Digital economics: the impact of cryptotechnologies on the global financial system and monetary policy of the state.

AlysDax Mentors Bonus System: community promotion, affiliate program benefits and investment project development features.

alysdax yoguakarta indo 1024x768 - AlysDax News: AlysDax Event in Yogyakarta!

The conference will be held in one of the best hotels of Yogyakarta Crystal Lotus Hotel.

Conference Speakers Mr. Prabu & Mr. Hanung.

Date: Sunday, March 22, March 2020

Time: 16.00 – End

Place: Crystal Lotus Hotel

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Have a nice day and see you at AlysDax Yogyakarta 2020!

Best regards,

AlysDax team.

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