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Hex Land News: First offline workshop in Seoul



The time has come for the co-founders and shareholders to meet and sit at the negotiating table to approve further development plans. And a lot is planned for the coming months.

The seminar will be led by a major co-founder and representative of the Asian division of HEXLAND.

hexland korea - Hex Land News: First offline workshop in Seoul

The meeting will address issues of opening representative offices in South Korea and China in the coming months, as investors from these countries show great interest in Hexland and are ready to take an active part in the development of our great business.

Also, from immediate plans for 2020, we can distinguish the opening of representative offices in South America and Canada.

Many enterprises noticed the great interest of investors in Hexland, and we began to receive very interesting proposals for cooperation in the field of waste recycling, molding of building blocks, as well as for the transportation and application of new technologies in installation at the construction site. And this is great, because in this way we can reduce the cost and increase the productivity of this Hexland division.

We consider the development of an application for Hexbank to be an equally important event. This application will include both the full functionality of the Hexland and Hexbank platforms, and will open up new opportunities for capital management that will pleasantly surprise you. The app will be available on iOS and Android.

Initially, the event was planned for all investors and those who only intend to join the Hexland community, but taking into account the situation with the coronovirus, it was decided to make the event only for large investors and co-founders. After normalizing the situation around the world and restoring civilian flights, we will develop a new plan for offline events.

We are glad that so many investors support us and we will be happy to see you at future offline events.

Address and time of the event:

Address: https://onoffmix.com/event/211563

Date: 04/05/2020

Time: 12:00 (UTC + 9, Seoul)

Best regards,

Hex Land team.

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